Came back from trip on 18th november. Shifted home on 1st december. The shifting and organising went on till 31st december. I got the net connection in mid december.
Blogging for me is not just about posting and replying to comments but also reading and commenting on some other blogs. So while I have posted a 100 or is it 1000, posts in my mind, I didn't pick up my mobile and post it online because, I felt it would be incomplete and perhaps unfair. And I just don't have the time right now to spend couple of hours online everyday, which I used to take earlier.
Reading for more than a month, Dalai Lama's book on Happiness. I liked the perspective and I accept that compassion is the first step towards happiness.
I hated the new year, because it meant I would have to skip my routine and wish and talk to everyone I knew or come online to send greetings and of course the general hype around what did you do on the eve. But ended up feeling good about it, since I managed to wish, everyone I wanted to. I think it was a nice way to let people know I think of them, even when I don't interact with them.
When I started blogging I wanted to change the world. (Well not the entire world, but I felt change is change even if its one person, one perspective). But the longer you stare at the abyss, the longer the abyss stares at you. And due to constant exposure, I have become immune to many things I wanted to change. But the core still remains. And now I want to blog just as an expression of myself. Change or no change.
And while I used to be extremely wary about even acknowledging myself on my blogs, I have typed the "I's without counting in these post. And for that I must thank my current (hmmm will they come back this year?) bloggers for it.
Can anyone guess the actual incidents I am referring to in these posts? The post dates might offer a clue.
License to Kill
Ashamed of your Mother!
They Dare to Make Money!
A four letter word called Hurt
A Watchwoman's Wrath against Mustache
Shifting my home, shifted my perspective on home management and to an extent my priorities. But it has not changed my passion, hoping to be back in couple of weeks and blog regularly. I might not have visited your blogs but, please, you have been a BIG part of my life, and will continue to remain for the rest of my life..
Happy New Year:)