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Feb 16, 2005

Do U Know - Coffee

  • Its the the second most highly traded commodity in the world after oil. (Third if we count narcotics.)
  • Wayanad produces 82 per cent of it in Kerala
  • During the last 10 years Wayanad has earned the country foreign exchange worth Rs 4192.48 crore through the export of it alone: an average of Rs 381 crore per year
  • Around 120 farmers in this area, committed suicide in 2004 due to falling prices
  • Wayanad's growers have lost over Rs.800 crore on it since 2001
  • Its retail price has not fallen but the producer's price has fallen from Rs.70- Rs.130 a few years ago to around Rs.15 per kg now
  • The farmers may be getting three paise on each rupee that it generates
    And its Coffee

    Based on “ WAYANAD (KERALA): "What do you mean you have no fresh coffee?" we asked. But the waiter was firm. "We have Nescafe." This is coffee territory, yet you cannot get the local brew in any restaurant here. Drop in at the Coffee Board in Kalpetta to enquire why this is so - and they offer you a cup of tea. "We do have a filter," our host apologises, "but there's no powder in the office just now."


  1. Interesting stats !! ... the exponential fall in price is unfair

  2. anjan yeah but its sort of due to the brazil supply which was down earlier


Have a Great Day!